We Were Looking for Snow Underneath The Soil


Concept Statement

Video Projection, Post Cards, Found Images, Text, Leap Motion, Flash Programming

The viewer with their hand gestures controlled the objects floating on the screen. The viewers would hover their hand over a leap-motion device and as soon as the hand was detected the objects on the screen followed the movement of the hand. The images of the objects scattered dispersed and if hovered upon enlarged to bigger than life size. Each object was printed on a postcard which had a story of how and where it was found. The objects were photographed in different Ordinance explosion sites and they bore witness to histories of war whose remains were buried in the landscape thus activating landscape as an active archive. The decision to choose postcards to narrate a disaster in a landscape was also intentional as it reverses and subverts the machinery in which postcards sell landscapes or have been selling landscapes. The information about the objects on the postcards would also have links to videos uploaded on youtube which would talk about the histories of that object.
